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How To Honour Your Dog At Your Wedding


Anyone who knows me, knows that I love my little dogs, and had they been around when I got married, I would have loved to have them be part of my day. 

I know that you can now hire doggie chaperones on your big day, but what if that isn’t possible for you?  How can you ensure that your doggie friends are there in spirit?

Or perhaps, very sadly, you’ve lost your fur baby.  How can you honour your faithful friend on your special day?

I’ve put together a few ideas that might work for you. 

Paw prints

If you haven’t already taken your fur baby’s paw prints, don’t hesitate.   You can buy ready made kits, and it’s so easy to do.   You can use them for a multitude of different things –  on the invites, the table and name cards… anything really. 

And for a furry friend whose prints were taken, but is no longer with us, you might want to copy that dear little print somewhere on your dress, on a tie, or even on some ribbon for your bouquet.   You might even want to put it onto a pretty hankie.

Table names

Name your tables after favourite places you and dog like to walk…. even better, you might want to add photos of you and/or your dog at the actual location.

Custom Cake Topper

Include your dog in the wedding cake topper design.  Etsy is probably your best bet to find someone to do this for you.


Pop a photo of your pooch into a tiny little frame or pretty keyring, and attach it to your bouquet.

You might even consider giving some photos of your dog to your photographer, and ask them to photoshop your dog into the photos. 

Collars and leads

Costs and/or leads can easily be incorporated into a bouquet, ensuring that your little pal is walking right alongside you, down the aisle. 


Why not put together a cocktail named after your fur baby?  Or ask the bar staff for their ideas.   Then everyone can raise a glass in honour of your dog! 

Goodie bags

Maybe you could hand out dog goodie bags for guests to take home for their own fur babies.

Memory Table

Set up a dedicated memory table at the reception. Include framed photos of the dog, their collar, favorite toys, and a small plaque or sign with a heartfelt message.


There are a number of companies who can incorporate some of your dog’s ashes into jewellery, perhaps something like a necklace pendant or ring and again, it means that your little pooch is right there with you. 

Donation in their name

Make a donation to an animal shelter or rescue organisation in memory of your chesrished pet.  

I hope you took inspiration from this blog, and let me know if you put any of these suggestions into fruition – I’d love to hear from you!